This article covers the key topics for interview preparation in the field of DevOps. It includes various tools and technologies commonly used in the industry. The article provides a brief overview of each topic and hands-on exercises to reinforce learning.
Basic Linux commands
Introduction to shell scripting
Basics of networking commands
Hands-on exercises
Understanding Maven lifecycle
Packaging and building Java applications
Hands-on exercises
Basics of pull, push, commit, and merge
Understanding rebase, stash, pop, cherry-pick
Resolving merge conflicts
Hands-on exercises
Setting up Jenkins
Working with pipelines
Troubleshooting examples
Stages in pipelines
Integration of tools with Jenkins
Hands-on exercises
Docker commands and usage
Dockerfile creation
Docker Compose
Docker networking
Building and pushing Docker images
Working with containers
Hands-on exercises
Understanding Kubernetes architecture
Writing YAML manifest files
Deployment of multi-tier applications
Integration with CI/CD tools
Hands-on exercises
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform
Understanding Terraform lifecycle
Using modules
Writing scripts to create resources
Hands-on exercises
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Ansible
Playbook creation
Installing applications on servers
Deploying applications on servers
Hands-on exercises
Implementations of SonarQube
Integrating SonarQube with pipelines
Code quality check vs code coverage
Hands-on exercises
OWASP Dependency Check
Usage and solving dependency-related problems
Hands-on exercises
Integrating Trivy with CI/CD tools
Scanning filesystems, packages, Docker images, and Kubernetes clusters
Hands-on exercises
Azure DevOps
CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps
Deployment of applications to AKS and App Service
Connecting to Azure Container Registry (ACR)
Working with Azure Functions
Hands-on exercises
Questions Asked in Interview from above topics
What is the difference between absolute and relative paths in Linux?
How do you check the available disk space in Linux?
Explain the process of creating a symbolic link in Linux.
How would you find all files modified within the last 24 hours in a directory?
Describe the usage and syntax of the "grep" command in Linux.
Write a shell script to display the current date and time.
What is the purpose of the "ifconfig" command in Linux?
How can you change the ownership of a file in Linux using the "chown" command?
Explain the difference between TCP and UDP protocols.
How do you add a user to a group in Linux using the "usermod" command?
What is Maven, and what is its primary purpose in software development?
Describe the Maven lifecycle and the different phases involved.
How can you package a Java application into a JAR file using Maven?
What is the purpose of the "pom.xml" file in Maven projects?
How do you specify dependencies in a Maven project?
Explain the difference between the "clean" and "install" goals in Maven.
How can you skip unit tests during a Maven build?
Describe the process of creating a multi-module Maven project.
What is the purpose of the "dependencyManagement" section in Maven?
How can you override a dependency version in a Maven project?
What is Git, and how is it different from other version control systems?
Explain the basic Git workflow for creating and committing changes.
How do you create a new branch in Git, and what is its purpose?
Describe the difference between "git pull" and "git fetch" commands.
What is a merge conflict in Git, and how can you resolve it?
Explain the difference between "git merge" and "git rebase" commands.
How do you revert a commit in Git using the "git revert" command?
What is the purpose of the "git stash" command, and how does it work?
Describe the process of cherry-picking a commit in Git.
How can you view the Git commit history using the "git log" command?
What is Jenkins, and what is its role in the CI/CD process?
Explain the process of setting up a Jenkins server.
How can you create a Jenkins pipeline using the Jenkinsfile?
Describe the difference between scripted and declarative pipelines in Jenkins.
Provide an example of a troubleshooting scenario in Jenkins and how you would resolve it.
What are stages in Jenkins pipelines, and why are they useful?
How can you integrate external tools like SonarQube or JUnit with Jenkins?
Explain the concept of Jenkins agents and how they are used in distributed builds.
What is Jenkins Blue Ocean, and how does it enhance the Jenkins user interface?
How can you parameterize Jenkins builds to allow user input during execution?
What is Docker, and what are its advantages in application deployment?
Explain the difference between an image and a container in Docker.
How do you build a Docker image using a Dockerfile?
Describe the purpose and usage of the "docker run" command.
What is Docker Compose, and how is it used to define multi-container applications?
How do you create a Docker network for communication between containers?
Explain the process of building and pushing a Docker image to a registry.
How can you mount a host directory as a volume inside a Docker container?
Describe the difference between a Dockerfile CMD and ENTRYPOINT directive.
How can you view the logs of a running Docker container?
What is Kubernetes, and what problem does it solve in container orchestration?
Explain the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster, including master and worker nodes.
How do you define a Kubernetes deployment using YAML manifests?
What is a pod in Kubernetes, and how is it different from a container?
Describe the process of scaling a deployment in Kubernetes.
How can you perform rolling updates and rollbacks in Kubernetes?
Explain the concept of Kubernetes namespaces and their usage.
How do you expose a Kubernetes service to external traffic?
What is a PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) in Kubernetes, and how is it used?
How can you integrate Kubernetes deployments with CI/CD tools like Jenkins?
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform:
What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and why is it important in modern infrastructure management?
Explain the lifecycle of a Terraform resource and the purpose of each phase.
How do you use Terraform modules to organize and reuse infrastructure configurations?
Describe the process of writing a Terraform script to create AWS resources.
How can you pass variables to Terraform scripts during execution?
What is the Terraform state file, and how does it help with managing infrastructure changes?
Explain the difference between Terraform "apply" and "plan" commands.
How do you use remote backends in Terraform for state management?
Describe the process of destroying infrastructure resources using Terraform.
How can you provision infrastructure resources in different cloud providers using Terraform?
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Ansible:
What is Ansible, and how does it differ from other configuration management tools?
Explain the concept of Ansible playbooks and their structure.
How do you install applications on remote servers using Ansible?
Describe the process of deploying applications on remote servers using Ansible.
How can you use Ansible roles to organize and reuse configuration tasks?
What are Ansible facts, and how are they useful in playbooks?
How do you use Ansible Vault for securely storing sensitive data?
Explain the difference between Ansible "gather_facts" and "no_log" directives.
How can you use Ansible to perform rolling updates on a group of servers?
Describe the process of integrating Ansible with Jenkins for continuous deployment.
What is SonarQube, and why is it important in software development?
Describe the process of installing and configuring SonarQube.
How can you integrate SonarQube with different build tools and CI/CD pipelines?
Explain the difference between code quality checks and code coverage in SonarQube.
How do you analyze and interpret SonarQube code analysis reports?
What are SonarQube rules, and how can you customize them for a project?
How does
SonarQube handle security vulnerabilities and code smells? 8. Describe the process of excluding specific files or directories from SonarQube analysis. 9. How can you track code quality trends over time using SonarQube? 10. What are SonarQube Quality Gates, and how do they help in enforcing code quality standards?
OWASP Dependency Check:
What is OWASP Dependency Check, and why is it important in application security?
How does OWASP Dependency Check identify and manage vulnerabilities in project dependencies?
Describe the process of integrating OWASP Dependency Check with different build tools.
How do you configure OWASP Dependency Check to generate vulnerability reports?
Explain the difference between OWASP Dependency Check and SonarQube in terms of vulnerability analysis.
How can you customize the OWASP Dependency Check configuration for a project?
What are the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) databases used by OWASP Dependency Check?
Describe the process of excluding specific dependencies from OWASP Dependency Check analysis.
How can you automate the OWASP Dependency Check scanning process in CI/CD pipelines?
What are the best practices for using OWASP Dependency Check effectively in a project?
What is Trivy, and how does it help in vulnerability scanning?
Explain the process of integrating Trivy with CI/CD tools for vulnerability scanning.
How does Trivy scan the filesystem for vulnerabilities in different package managers?
Describe the process of scanning Docker images for vulnerabilities using Trivy.
How can you scan Kubernetes clusters for vulnerabilities using Trivy?
What are the different severity levels of vulnerabilities reported by Trivy?
How can you customize the Trivy scanning process to exclude specific vulnerabilities?
Explain the difference between Trivy and other vulnerability scanning tools like Clair.
Describe the process of generating Trivy vulnerability reports and interpreting the results.
What are the best practices for incorporating Trivy into a secure CI/CD pipeline?
Azure DevOps:
What is Azure DevOps, and what are its key components?
Describe the process of setting up CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps.
How can you deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using Azure DevOps?
Explain the process of deploying applications to Azure App Service using Azure DevOps.
How can you connect Azure DevOps to Azure Container Registry (ACR) for container image management?
What are Azure Functions, and how do they fit into a DevOps workflow?
Describe the process of integrating code quality checks and security scans into Azure DevOps pipelines.
How can you use Azure Artifacts for package management in Azure DevOps?
Explain the concept of environments in Azure DevOps and their usage.
What are the best practices for implementing secure and efficient CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps?
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Happy Learning!